Schedule and Registration

Schedule for Ormond Adventure Fitness Boot Camp
To register for a camp, go to our Registration Form.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Crazy Week!

Crazy Week!!
So I am a few days behind in my blogging so let me catch you guys up on what happened at our last few classes. Saturday I started off joking around like always but the workout was so intense UNDER ARMOUR (our trainer Michelle) made sure I got quiet real fast she pushed us really hard as there was only four of us so let me just say that she was able to watch our form on every single rep. It's really nice getting the attention to detail but it also means you are getting pushed harder. Blue was able to take her jump rope skills to new levels on the obstacle course, congrats BLUE.
Monday described in one phrase "Burpees, Burpees, Burpees" another small class means a TON of attention from Under Armour. On top of that every single exercise was separated by a minute of Burpees(Thanks Jenn). Oh by the way for those of you who are unaware of what a Burpee is well you jump straight up with arms extended over head, then put your arms on the ground jump you legs out to put yourself in a push up position do the push up then bring your feet back underneath you and start everything all over again, and that is one rep. So as you can see Monday was a lot of fun especially with only five of us. I joke around but these workouts really get you to push yourself to the limit.
Wednesday Fit Test Day there was four brave souls that dared to do a minute of sit ups, a minute of push ups then a 1.1 mile run, after which we participated in the regular class. Thanks to "Beastmode Betty", "Dancing Nicki", "A4 Audi" for pushing me further than I thought I could during the fit test. You guys did so great both Nicki and Betty beat their previous times, as for "A4 Audi" and I this was our first time doing the Fit Test, so we now have a bench mark going forward. After the test we had a five minute period to catch our breath while the others showed up. A big welcome back to "Hoosier Katie", "B-Money Brian", and "Cheetah Brent", you guys did great today and brought a lot of good energy back to the group so thanks for going out of your way to make it out. The workout was LEGS let me just tell you I anticipate being very sore tomorrow.
With the holidays coming our schedules are only going to get even more busy, please find a way to make time for yourself. Don't allow a busy schedule to interfere with your workouts, they are just as important as scheduling the rest of your holiday plans. You can make the two coexist you just have to make it a priority. See you all very soon and remember these classes fill up fast so sign up for our next session that starts November 15th.

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