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Friday, June 3, 2011

A lot of people look for a magic pill to change their bodies. They want fast and easy results. Sometimes, the supplement industry would have you believe that what it sells are magic pills, but believe me, they aren't. However, the right ones can be incredibly beneficial and can fill in the gaps in your nutrition and allow your body to function at its highest level.

Because supplements are not regulated by the FDA we must be smart about what we purchase. This is a list of the supplements that science has shown to be beneficial - and the supplements that I trust and take myself.

1. Multi-vitamin -The all in one supplement. These help guarantee that you're receiving all your essential nutrients, including a healthy does of antioxidants. Women, you'll want to select a product that supplies iron. Men, you generally do not need to supplement iron in your diet.

2. Vitamin B Complex - B Vitamins assist with almost every process and system in your body, including healthy digestion, a strong nervous system, good hair, skin and nails and energy production. Vitamin B helps convert carbohydrates into glucose, which your body then converts into energy. (also knows as your metabolism). Coffee and alcohol drinkers....your need for Vitamin B is increased!

3. Ground flaxseed - These little seeds help reduce your risk of stroke, heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Make sure you've purchased "ground" and then sprinkle in your salad, protein shakes, yogurt, etc. Take in 2-4 tablespoons daily.

4. Green Tea Extract - I admit on this one that I don't drink as often as I would like because I'm not a tea or coffee fan. However, Green tea extract offers one of the best sources of antioxidants because they fight off dangerous free radicals which are the primary source of aging. It also revs up your metabolism, boosts cardiovascular health, offers sustained energy and improves skin quality. Avoid products that include caffeine, sugar, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, alcohol and gluten.

5. Vitamin D - This is a brand new addition to my daily supplement intake after I researched it after talking to one of our fellow campers. Here is what I've discovered. Scientists have determined that vitamin D plays a vital role in building strong bones, fighting cancer, protecting your body against infection and helping bust your gut and aiding in fat loss. Research indicates that 60% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D.

Check with your doctor to discuss any deficiencies you may have. Generally a quick blood draw will determine this for you.

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